
Drop h264 I-Frames

Removes every reference frames from a video, except the first one.

Getting Started


You’ll need a working installation of Python 3, and FFmpeg. Make sure they are in PATH.


Download or clone this repository:

git clone
cd datamoshing/drop-h264-iframes/

Install the requirements:

pip -m install requirements.txt

Basic usage

Simply execute the main script:

python full <source-video> <output-video>


Source and output videos can be of any type, as they will be converted to h264, using FFmpeg, during the process.

You can pass different actions strings to perform different things:

Action Description
preprocess Convert the source video to h264 and analyse its NAL units
rebuild Rebuild a video from the h264 source and the NAL units analysis
full Pipeline doing preprocess and rebuild
split Analyse the NAL units of a h264 video
probe Use FFprobe to analyse frames of a video


You can pass FFmpeg compression arguments that will be applied during conversion to h264. They will impact the result of the datamoshing.

Argument Default Description
--sc-threshold 40 Scenecut detection threshold
--g 250 Maximum frames between two I-Frames
--keyint-min 25 Minimum frames between two I-Frames
--bf 0 Maximum frames between two B-Frames
--profile main Encoding profile
--level 4.0 Quality level
--crf 23 Balance between quality and compression


For a good effect, you may want to concatenate videos clips together. This can be done using FFmpeg.

  1. Create a text file listing the clips to concatenate:
     file 'first.mp4'
     file 'second.mp4'
     file 'third.mp4'
  2. Execute the following command:
     ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i .\list.txt -c copy output.mp4

There’s more information on FFmpeg’s documentation.


I wrote some details on my blog.

Known Issues

The resulting video may stutter if too many frames are dropped. It it less noticeable with high FPS videos. Unless I get to time travel, I will probably not address it.